Explode the code sample lesson
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About Explode The Code®
Grades K–4

Overview Video
A phonics bestseller for over 30 years, Explode The Code has helped millions of students nationwide build the essential literacy skills needed for reading success: phonological awareness, decoding, vocabulary, comprehension, fluency, and spelling. This research-based and teacher-tested program meets and exceeds “No Child Left Behind” requirements and National Reading Panel Standards.
- abundant practice and reinforcement opportunities for greater retention
- development of comprehension skills through reading in context
- accommodations for English Language Learners and struggling readers
Now accessible in two ways:

Data-Driven Instruction
- Students are constantly assessed for proficiency as the program records correct and incorrect responses, response patterns, and completion times
- Sophisticated branching techniques adjust curriculum accordingly, ensuring that students work only on areas of need
- Assessment zones throughout the program determine appropriate, individualized student placement
Exceptional Content
- Time-tested Explode The Code content from Books 1–8 provides research-based, multisensory instruction best for beginning and struggling readers
- Visual and auditory cues support student independence and vocabulary development for English Language Learners
- Online program presents a comprehensive curriculum-—spanning Kindergarten through 4th grade
Robust Reporting
- Online reporting system allows for real-time, detailed information at the class and school level
- Ongoing progress monitoring includes:
- Daily, weekly, and monthly progress reports
- Skills mastered
- Potential problems skills and tasks…and more
Appealing User Experience
- Game-like interface engages students to make learning fun
- Immediate audio and visual feedback is provided for each lesson
- Rewards system keeps students excited about progressing through the program