Title VII, one of the laws that the Employment Litigation Section enforces, prohibits sexual harassment in the workplace.
Sexual harassment can include a variety of behaviors, including unwelcome sexual advances or unwanted touching, offensive remarks about a person's sex (such as making offensive comments about women, for example), or requests for sexual favors. Any person, regardless of sex, gender identity, or sexual orientation, can be a harasser or a victim of sexual harassment. A harasser can be a supervisor, co-worker, or even a third-party who is not employed by the employer, such as a customer or client.
Some examples of conduct that courts have found to violate Title VII, either by itself or when paired with other actions, include:
If you believe that you have been sexually harassed in violation of Title VII, you must file a complaint with the appropriate agency right away. We are including information to help you identify the right place to file a complaint, but it is up to you to file a complaint with the right agency within the appropriate time limits.